Page 167 - YB1933
P. 167
1932 Varsity Football R~sum~ ESPITE the amount of promising material from the '32 Fresh squad D and the varsity men of last year's team, the '32 football season was darkened by the illness of "Dick" Harlow, the head mentor. Assistant coaches Stahley and Clark, with the aid of the bed-ridden "Dick," whipped the squad into fair condition in the two weeks before the opening game From the St. Thomas game on, the team improved by leaps and bounds, and by the time of the University of Maryland conflict the Terrors had developed into a team worthy to be mentioned in the class of the invincible team of '29 The awards given the players will describe better the type of team that represented Western Maryland this year. Four of the players earned places on the mythical All-Maryland Team. Captain Kopp. Sadausky. Shepherd, and Dunn were in the first string line-up, while Schwieker. Blissman. O'Leair. and Lipsky gained berths on the second team. Captain Kopp had the distinction of being the only player to gain a place on the All-Maryland in tWO positions. In 1930 he was on the team in a back-field position. and this year he was playing guard. He also played very creditably for the All-Southern team in its first annual tilt with the Northern "Dick" rated him as his greatest captain in twenty-one years of coaching. His playing can best be described by the words of Craig E. Taylor, of the Baliimore Sun: "He has lots of drive. is probably the hardest tackler on the team, and his coming out of the line to protect a passer is without an equal." The season opened with St. Thomas. The boys that left here on Friday, September 30. experienced a feeling that no other Harlow team had ever Maryland Ll5. We5lern Mary/and OneHundwl Sixly.Fi~.
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