Page 169 - YB1933
P. 169
Bucknell us. Western Maryland Although the team was not perfect, the work was so good that the sports writers prophesied a winning team for the Terrors for several years to come. As important as the victory was the chance of the coaches to pick out the mistakes. The Terror team, being composed mostly of Sophomores, was weak in the cooperation that characterizes a good team; and, as the next game was with Georgetown University, the team had to be in every way perfect to avenge the 25-7 victory that the Hilltoppers swept from the Terrors last year. Georgetown, who had been beaten the previous week by the New York University team, was out for blood; and the Terrors, wishing to continue their string of victories, gave promise of a game that would outshine any of the previous meets of the rivals. The game was all that was expected; both teams were in full stride and gave a marvelous exhibition of football. "Tommy" Mills had devised a system of end runs and passes, which dazzled the Terrors during the opening minutes, but the line bucks and off-tackle plays gave the Terrors the edge on the Hilltoppers. The line was an insur- mountable barrier to the boys from Washington, and the backfield com- bination of Dunn, Mergo, Shepherd, and Gorski was the deciding factor in the 12-6 victory in the Griffith Stadium in Washington. "Joe" Lipsky, promising Sophomore center, was hurt in the last few minutes of play. and it was thought that he would be a casualty for the rest of the season. The Greyhounds of Loyola were the next opponents of the Western Maryland team. Last year's tie with the Baltimore team was an incentive to the Terrors to walk over them, which they did. The final score was 28-6. Loyola scoring its only touchdown in the last few minutes to play. Captain Kcpp. O'Leair, and Sadausky were the main strength of the line. while the backfield that starred against Georgetown romped over the Greyhounds -_... One HunJ •• dSixly_S,ven
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