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Intra-Mural Athletics A ~~~C~yR~f~~:rJ~~~~_~~t:~;Ps~~~si~r~g~:~Pf;:~~et~:sStt~~~~~So::a~s~sw~i,nt~~~ year showing the best progress towards attainment of this goal. Spurred on by the success and the interest shown last year, the committee of club and class representatives. under the guidance of Professor H. B. Speir. planned seasonal sports programs and formed leagues which drew the attention of the entire student body. In the Fall. touch-football was entered into with much vim by the four social clubs and the four classes. As the pigskin season drew to a close. the committee had already drawn up a schedule for the same league in basketball. This schedule got under way upon our return from the Christmas vacation. So closely contested and well played were several of the games that such scores as 6-3, 7-5 were not uncommon. Supplementing this league were the annual R. O. T. C. contests. Volley ball found its way into the pro, gram. and was supported with such enthusiasm that. besides the regular league. there were entered in the contest fourteen independent teams. As a special feature for the Winter program, wrestling was developed out of the gym classes to such an extent that Professor Speir was able to run off a wrestling tournament which drew the attention of not only the men but the Co-eds as well. Added to this was the establishing of a hand-ball court in the old "Y" room. This court attracted the men of the faculty as well as the students. Plans for the Spring activities were started several weeks before Spring vacation. and upon our return the schedules opened. There were five fields for the non-varsity men to take part in, namely. baseball, tennis, box lacrosse. horseshoes. and golf. The same leagues that were formed in touch-football were formed in tennis and baseball. while tournaments were held in horseshoes and golf. The box lacrosse league was composed of four different independent groups, and they provided some of the best games of the Spring sport program The success of the program for the year was most pleasing to the director of athletics. "Dick" Harlow. and those who were in charge of the planning and carrying out of the program. The fraternities and the classes showed much spirit and were always ready to cooperate. One of the notable outcomes of the program was due to the wrestling tourney. The results of this were so satisfactory that an inter-collegiate team was formed, which. although it participated in only one meet and was defeated. gave the college a sport that has not been on its inter-collegiate program since 1927. This year has proven very successful for the Co-ed Intra-Mural program. Hockey started the year off in the Fall, and the Sophomores carried off the title with the Seniors running a close second. After the hockey season was over basketball started in with a bang and the exciting tournament ended with a victory for the Juniors The volley ball season was short. but the enthusiasm and interest always was at a high pitch. The Sophomores won the inter-class tournament after which they were challenged by an "all star" team from the other three classes. They played a series of three games. the "all stars" winning two of the three. Baseball and tennis completed the Intra-Mural sports for the year. Honorary varsity teams for each sport were chosen by the Cooed Athletic Board. 0". Hund,edSixly-O".
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