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Beta Beta Beta ALPHA MU CHAPTER T~r~t~~~;'~~~~~~~da~f:::;er~eMa~~~~'dt2~II~g~ti~n~e~~~~;~rr93~~o~i~~a~ charter membership of nine: Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Professor Cloyd L. Bennighof, Miss Pauline D. Wyman. Anna Callahan, Henry Caple, Harold Chandler, Roger Cissel. Thelma Snader, and Dorothy Timmons. Alpha Mu Chapter was an outgrowth of the "Biology Conference," or "Seminar," of Western Maryland Co1lege. Under the leadership of Dr. Bertholf, Professor Bennighof and Miss Wyman, the conference was initiated in the Fall of '28 to promote interest in biology and to carry out certain projects in that field. Early in the Fall of '31 correspondence was begun between Dr. Bertholf and the National Secretary of Beta Beta Beta in reference to membership in the Fraternity. The application was sent in and approved at the New Orleans Convention. The chapter was soon organized, receiving its charter on February 12, 1932, at which time the infant member was formally initiated into the Fraternity at a banquet held at the College Inn. The Regional Vice-President for this district initiated the chapter Weekly meetings are held on Friday afternoons, at which time interesting advances in biology and heroes of biology are reported on and discussed by the members. These meetings are open to all biology students. Monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, at which time special speakers are usually secured to address the Fraternity and its friends on biological subjects. This year the Fraternity was fortunate in having, among others, Dr. L. E. Yocum. of George Washington University; Mr. J. R. Manning, of the United States Bureau of Fisheries; and Dr. F. W. Besley, State Forester The standards of the Fraternity are very high. In order to be eligible for associate membership a student must be a biology major and have forty percent A's and B's in all subjects. To be eligible for active membership one rnust. in addition to the require- ment for associate membership, have sixteen or more hours of biology, with eighty per cent of all biology grades A's and B's. Names of those eligible for active mem- bership are submitted to the Fraternity by faculty members of the biology department, after which they are voted upon by the local chapter. There are now twelve active members and five associate members, as follows: ACTIVE MEMBERS Dr. L. M. Bertholf, Faculty Harold Chandler, '33 Prof. C. L. Bennighof, Faculty Tessie Cox, '33 Miss P. D. Wyman, Faculty Irene Hutchins, '34 Millicent Allen, '33 Jane Kriner, '33 Elsie Bowen, '33 Marietta Mills, '33 Mildred Burkins, '34 Lora Outten, '34 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Miss Evelyn Mudge, Faculty Carlton Brinsfield, '35 Miss Marie Parker, Faculty Gladyse Somers, '33 Donald Tschudy, '35
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