Page 204 - YB1930
P. 204
FreshIllan Basketball HE Freshman basketball team made a vcry creditable showing during the past season, coming through with five victories against two defeats. The" Little Terrors" were victorious in games with Maryland School for the Deaf, Knights of Pyrhins, St. John's Junior Varsity, and Baltimore U. Frosh, with adverse stores at the hands or St. John's Junior Varsity und Gnllauder. W h n few men Coach "Bill" Pelton worked long and intensively to organize a well-balanced team, composed of Brown and Murray forwards, Kopp Center, and Kleinman and Whittaker guards. They combined speed, aggressiveness, and ability to sink the ball from all ungl.cs with a well p.lanncd offense and defense worked out by Pelton to place them quire of tell on the winning side of the score-book Probably the outstanding star of the team was Brown, who possessed uncanny ability in dropping the spheroid through the basket from all positions on the floor, Murray on the other side of the court proved a fit running mate, while Kopp's ability to get the tip_off and cover and retain the ball underthe back-board made him an absolutely essential member of the team, Kleinman and Whittaker through, out the season played consistently basketball. Credit must also be given to such men as J, O'Leair, Baird, and who when called upon proved equal ro the occasion. It is apparent that with the addition to the Varsity of these men much needed has been added, which should result in the formation of a versatile ream of meeting and overcoming .my intercollegiate rivals. page one hnndrcd lIilleIY'lIi"c
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