Page 206 - YB1930
P. 206
VARSl'IT LACROSSe; SQUAD Lacrosse NE of the outstanding developments of the present scholastic year, as far as athletic progress is concerned, is the admission of Western Maryland into the Intercollegiate League in lacrosse. It will require another year for the fruits of this entry to be reflected in the schedule; but the step places Western Maryland in the front rank among the colleges of the country in this fast growing sport. At the college lacrosse has progressed rapidly since it was introduced as a major sport a ye,ar ago. As such it begins to rival baseball in the number of cnndi. dates for the positions, and, in truth, it seems to have placed baseball on the boards. The team will again be coached by T. B. Marden, fonner University of Ma-y. land star, who handled the team so successfully in its tirst year of the Sport. Last season the "Terrors" defeated Lafayette and other colleges, and lost only to Maryland and Penn State in well-played games. From last year's squad Norris, Machamer, and Broll were lost by graduation, and Van Buren and Smith are no longer in college. The 1930 team will be builr around the regulars remaining-vVillis, vVilker, Usinger, MacLea, Lawrence, Havens, Gomsak, Well inger, and Bates. LACROSSE SCHEDULE page/tvl) hundred one
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