Page 199 - YB1930
P. 199
Temple was the next major opponent to fall before a slashing and deceptive attack in the first Stadium game. Coming to the game with a highly tall ted team and record, Temple received a severe jolt that stopped at 23-0, for DOllght}' and Lawrence out- "Whearshinged ' Whearshing. Bates and Havens again played a lot of football, with Bates scoring two touchdowns on two beautifully executed passes, and" Rip" Engle accounting for the other by inter, cepting an "Owl" pass. Albright found a 6-0 half-time lead too small to hold Harlow's fast-stepping outfit and they were hum., bled '20-6 before hostilities ceased. Bates, Clary, Havens, and Wellinger carried the brunt of the battle. Sr. Johns and Loyola were easily taken into camp in the next two contests oy the respective scores '10-0 and 35-7. Loyola registered the first and only rouch, down that has been scored on the Terrors in the last four years of Stadium competition. It was in this game that we lost the service of our star bucking_ back, "Pete" Gomsak, for the remainder of the season, because of a broken scapula suffered during the opening minutes of play. The team, although they hit a slump in their next three conflicts against compurntively weak but highly pageol,e lmndred ninety-four
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