Page 198 - YB1930
P. 198
work of Floyd Doughty as passer and punter extra- ordinary, .md of Kru-l Wei linger as speedy ball.. carrier and nonchalant "sufur ymun.' Neither can we forget the steady and consistent work of the guards, Weisbeck, Kohout, and l3enson, and the work of" Rip" Engle us a defensive end, The other members of the team, when called upon, responded by giving their best efforts to m'lke the team winner. The first opponent, the University of Baltimore, was disposed of easily on Hoffa Field by the score 34-0; but the vicrorv as well as the large margin was expected Traveling to \Vashington the next Saturday, the Terror squad amazed the entire football world by ,\ brilliant victory over Georgetown University, 7-0. The winning points came us the result of a well executed pass by Doughty to Bates, and Gomsak's successful try (or point. Tn this game the Terror captain nnd team played inspired and perfect football. Clnrv and Lawrence, then, in the next game, urollght Western Maryland from behind ro defear Sr Thomas, 12_6. "Tiny" Pincur,l, two hundred pound tackle, sustained a shoulder injury that kept him alit of the game for two weeks. page Qne hnndred: ninety-three
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