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I(AHL WAHEHEIJ\'I "1(11.-1" Ballimore CilY ColI"g~; lVe~lmil1sler Thooloqical Seminary HiS/or!) "Lei 'IS Ih~". /)r whru We are. <1lld .peal< whul We Ihi"k Ke~p o",s'/v('s loyal 10 I,ulh, Gild Ihe sacred pro(eMion HEN Karl came to us from hearts of all who have learned to the sem. inary in his sopho- know him. [lmore year, Old Man Gloom Though his ministerial work took his departure. for Karl has kept him from engaging in the is a firm believer in: "A face that usual extra-curricular activities of cannot smile is never good." Karl rbe school. we know that his has every reason to be happy as all breadth of learning and depth of can see when they meet his wife character will win for him a lead- and daughter. i;")g place in any community in Ever ready with a smile and which he resides. a cheery word to lighten a friend's Truly one of Nature's gentle- burden. to make the pathway of men of whom it can be said: "The life a little smoother. he has en- world is better for his having lived deared himself forever in the in it."
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