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JOSEPHINE WAIlREN "Joete" Snow Hill. Maryland Chemi&l~'1 Snow Hill High School J. G, c.: Ph;lom~l.hlan LitcrHY Society: Science Club Class Basketball '26; EpiscopJI Club; Sunday School. "Silent and happy she &feals along F(1~ from Ihe world's gay, busy If/rang." She thinks much, but says little, a 0aSu\~~~n_i~ai:edm~~::t ~~!~ most commendable trait. [g] carefree and unassuming, That such a little person should goes skipping along life's be intensely interested in such a way with childlike simplicity. We big subject as science is indeed re- say "skipping," for who can ever markable. "Josie" spends. never- forget her "Jumping Jack" dance theless, most of her time either in in McDaniel Hall? the laboratory working out prob- And as she skips. "Josie" sings. lems or in the library reading In fact. she is always rendering scientific volumes. We predict a some funny ditty with a most un- great future for her in the field of usual tune and still more unusual research. words. Yet she has a firm will. NinetJJ-four
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