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CHARLES ALVIN SUMlllEHS "Charlf e" A r 'I' Boonsboro. Maryland Mmhemalics Boonsboro High School Irving Litcrary.Society: Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternity, Tau '27. '28: Manager of Basket- ball 27, '28: Varsity Baseball '26, '27, '28: Y. M C A. Class Treasurer '26. '27, '28: Rifle Team '25. '26, '27, '28, Captain '28: Third Corps Area R. O. T. C Rifle Team '27; Officers Club; First Lieutenant R. O. T. C: Varsity Club: Science Club '26 "Modesty becomes a young man." HARLIE" is a versatile col- "Charlie" has done in athletics lege man. He can truly be also is worthy of commendation. called an excellent student. He has played on the baseball team ~ a good athlete, and a and has added strength to the rifle friendly pal. team. Most noteworthy, how- His unusual record as a student ever, is his record for capability deserves special praise. For rarely and thoroughness as manager of has any other grade than "A" ap- the varsity basketball squad this peared on his reports,-a remark- year, able achievement in view of the Fortunate is that person who is fact that he has done most of his one of "Charlie's" friends: for work in that most difficult subject. .'Charlie" is a true friend. mathematics. The work which
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