Page 163 - YB1928
P. 163
IIIHIS was a year of experience for the boxing team. Scheduled with some of the best intercollegiate squads. Western Maryland gained some , II valuable knowledge about boxing which should next year enable her ~ boxers to surpass the commendable record of J 927-28. The team defeated Temple University, Georgetown, and Rutgers University. Although evidencing splendid individual ability, [he team was forced to accept defeat from Yale University, Penn State, the inter- collegiate champions. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. and Virginia Military Academy. Western Maryland had the honor of receiving an invitation to the Inter- collegiate Boxing Matches held in the "Palescra" of the University of Pennsyl- vania on May 13-14. It was accepted by Coach Harlow and needless to say. the team displayed creditable form and skill A resume of the season would be incomplete without mentioning the work of George Ekaitis and Hayes Callihan. Both won more than half their bouts and showed promise for an enviable record in 1929.
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