Page 160 - YB1928
P. 160
HE soccer ream made an even break of the schedule this year. Playing eight games, they won four and lost one. The season started with the squad somewhat our of form and games were lost successively to Frank- lin and Marshall. Navy, and Lafayette University. The latter is a n2W addition to the schedule. but promises to be a permanent one. The most commendable showing of the year was made when Western Maryland played Navy at Annapolis. A last five-minute rally tied the score. but in the end Maryland was defeated 4-3. Two defeats were handed to the University of Delaware in successive weeks. and the old rival. Maryland State Normal School. was forced to accept two losses. The prospects arc exceedingly bright for 1928-29. A well-balanced schedule has been arranged which calls for meeting Temple University, Navy, Franklin and Marshall. Bucknell, Maryland State Normal. and the University of Delaware. The team is also ro meet Army at West Point in the fall, after a year·s lapse of soccer relations. Ona Hundred. Fifty-four
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