Page 161 - YB1928
P. 161
The Rifle Team enjoyed one of the most successful seasons since it bas been organized. Matched with all of the colleges in the country having Senior R. O. T. C. units. the team showed its ability by winning the majority of its matches after a hard schedule. Several members of the team won individual honors in the Third Corps Area match, in which the team made a good showing This season of riAl' shooting has seen much general advancement in this sport at Western Maryland. Too much credit cannot be given to the more experienced members of the squad who gave up a large parr of their spare time to the coaching of the new men. The R. O. T. C. officials ably assisted the manager in the care of rbe range and by taking cafe of a large part of the correspondence. Letters were awarded to the members of the squad who fired in 75 per cent. of the matches, or those that fired among the five highest in at least rwo-sthirds Of the matches. Next year rifle shooting should expand. and increase its success in every way.
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