Page 44 - YB1927
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Treasurer EVA ELlZABETH LYNCH "Eve" Mathematics-Sciences oddity, frolic and and rejoice 111 a and she Hill" Eva has been a loyal supporter URING our four years on "College I Although has efficiently life - filled the office of class treasurer her because by some and ad- Her mathematical abilities were recognized D of the c~ass of '27. for the past two years in the social Eva has always found a good student time to participate "Parlor" with not omitting phases of college Temperamental a bit of this capable young lady is ready for anything sarcasm, at any time. good humored quality envied of independence, innate Eva possesses that The girls who really her admire of her sincerity mired by all. know makes of her a real friend, loyalty sympathetic, Eva's and her ingenuousness. congenial. which and inspiring_ assert Her wit and her keen sense of humor. at most unexpected times, are sources of great to her Friends she is held in the Because of her capability, her perseverance, friends. Because she has many highest II themselves esteem. and '27 too" she has been a friend, and her integrity, delight and fame" Because to her character we are sure Eva will bring of her admirable "honor Mater "Alma p
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