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~-I",j~1 1illli',,! ~I Secretary he THOMAS HOWARD EATON '"Tom" TBX Chemistry New Marsh£e1d,Ohio Belle Valley High School Class Footb~lI, '23, '24, Class Baseball, '23, '24, W, A. G.: Manager of Rifle Team, '26, Captain of Rifle Team, "17: Gamma Beta Chi Treasurer, '27; Monthly Staff, '26: Gold Bug Staff, '25; Officers Club: First Lieutenant R, 0, T. C.: Aloha Staff, '27: Class Secretary, '27, \Vebster Literary Society: Student Government, '25; Track, '26; Y. M. C. A Tile s~ies were always bright and blue. N.o melancholy strain he ~new, NOTHER minister'~ son. came to us in the person of ·'To.m" and we ali A soon learned to admire him for his really sterlmg attributes Having attended four different high schools in Ohio and West Virginia easy for him to assume the proper attitude which he did at once and has ever since the first day. are~~~e~~f~~I;s:~mge;e;t~Wf~~e~~l:~~ltce~eh7~{Sabi!f~~~en~~k~;~~Ii~~pfo~ ~:;~~ ~ number of friends. As a close student of the sciences he is possessed with an analytical type of mind and cannot be argued down on any topic. he is known as "Howard" but to us he is known as "Tom" and he be enshrined in our hearts as a friend. /1agethirty.nine THE(;!L
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