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Vice-President BESSIE STAGG HAYMAN "Bess" w.w. French-History Snow Hill. Maryland Snow Hill High School Philomathean Literary Society. Chaplain, '25, Corresponding Secretary' 26; W. W., Vice-PresĀ· ident '25, President '26, Secretary '25: College Choir, '24, '25, '26, '21: Powder Puffs, Class Chairman '24, Class Vice-President '2~, '26, '21: B. O. K. President '24; Class Basket Ball '25: Class Volley Ball '21: Associate Editor Aloha '21: Y. W. C. A. Cabinet '25; Y. W. C. A. '24, '25, '26, '21; Inter Club Council '26: House President McDaniel Hall '21: Philo Pre- lim '24, '25: Spons,.,r Co A '26: Le Cerde FranĀ· A chum who jound the way to laugh at ~noc~s Yet do her willing part; And tile secret of the mystery Lies in her friendly heart ESS'S popularity on pu.s can be attributed to only.on~ thing and that, B the most admirable trait ever found in a human being, IS smcenty. Bess is frank, but above all she IS Sincere, Often one hears, "Isn't Bess sweet?" But one doesn't think only that of her-Jt is too misleading. She is not in- sipidly sweet but has all the comforting sweetness of a real friend But Bess's charm lies not only in the fact that she is the kind of person whom one chooses for a very best friend but also, she is known to be remarkably capable and efficient, participating in ail college activities - ready to meet any problem and to dispense with it in a fair and just way. As a house-president, she has been a thorough success. There's a sunny side to Bess, too, she has lightened the heart of many a home- sick girl with her nonsense never personal or offending. It's hard to write an adequate message. One can only say - "Farewell, Bess, you'll always remain in the hearts of those who knew you as a loyal class- mate-a true and sincere friend. 'Bon Voyage!'" page thirt:/"~igl!l
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