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r [i;j]1"""",q~r;;;;;;:11 I ~;:;;;:::=:;;=;;~ Sunday School Officers Teachers Miss Robinson Dr. Stephens Mrs. Stephens Miss A. Parker Dr. Wills Mrs. Sanders Miss M. Warren Prof. Bertholf HEN one enters Baker Chapel on Sunday morning, the first thing that attracts the attention is the window "The Light of the World." Christ is knocking on the door which is opened only from the inside. He is giving us the opportunity to let him enter our lives, that we might fulfill His command, "Go ye into all the world," That is why we have a Sunday School. It gives LlS the opportunity to improve and equip ourselves more fully for the work that Christ would have us do. Somehow that hour spent in Baker Chapel with the spirit of God makes a new begin- ning for the day, and faith to carryon during the week. "With old work unfinished when night stayed our hand, With new duties waiting, unknown and unplanned, With old care still pressing, to fret and to vex, With new problems rising our minds to perplex, New grace for new trials, new trust for olel fears, New patience for bearing the wrongs of the years, New strength for new burdens, new courage for old, New faith for whatever the day may unfold."
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