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Officers FRANK W. GRIPPIN, .'26; President. FREDERICK N. BOWERS. '26; 1st Vice-President. j . DALLAS JOHNSON, '26: 2nd Vice-President FRANK P. SrLLlN, '27; Secretary E. MILTO;'" HANNOLD, '27; Treasurer DR. HERBERT T STEPHENS, Faculty Adviser Chairmen of Committees H. Gilmore Lippy, '27; Uiscussion Chapin \\7. Day, '26; Pianist George S. Baker, '27; Entertainment Denver R. Young, '28; Athletics B. I. Barnes, '27; Finance john F. Wooden, jr., '27:Pubticil.y Albert Tozzi, '27; Jail Visitation Donald E. Willard. '27; Herbert L. Elliott, '27; Club Room Ira M. Dinkle, '26; Chas. L. Goodhand, '28; Mem,ben-hip Weldon Dawson, '29; C. Roland Wilson, '26; Mcsicas Direaor \~I.Henry Phillips, '28; Employment say that the work of the Y. M. C. A. has been on a par with that of the past two years is saying a great deal. for those two years were banner years. The activities of the "Y" this year were a step in advance of those two years. The student body has recognized the "Y" this year more than ever before, and attendance at the meetings has been very gratifying to those in charge. Truly, the spirit of Christ has been upheld this year in a remarkable manner. Reaching out from College Hill, the influence of the" Y" was felt in neighboring communities through the Deputation Team which carried on several programs in the past year. This work has also been of great benefit to those taking part, since it necessitated much preparation and resulted in many pleasing experiences. The value of the Team is evidenced by hearty invitations to return. Another milestone in the year's activities was the Tri-State Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Conference which was held at Western Maryland. The effect of the visiting students and conference leaders upon the Hill's atmosphere was indeed refreshing. It was a step forward in assuring our friendship among the colleges of this vicinity. One of the great things done toward preparing the way for a Greater Western Maryland lias been the planning of a General Activities Building, to cost $125,000. Subscriptions for the building have already been made. The total amount is to be raised in the next five years. This building is needed now, and at the completion of future revised program of the Institution, will be absolutely indispensable. It is hoped that the work will go forward rapidly. To our able leader, Frank Grippin, is due the "lion's share" of credit for the success of the past year. His ability to choose able assistants, and his vigor and leadership were responsible for his success and that of the" Y"_
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