Page 215 - YB1926_Classical
P. 215
o o o 1;} Second Phzlomathean-'Browning 'Debate , Resolved: That there should be established a Department of Education with a Secretary in the President's Cabinet. Issuus I. There are a number of evils in the educational field which warrant tile cstablishmentof a Department of Education with a Secretary in the President's Cabinet. I I. The establishment of such a Department of Education would obviate existing evils. I I I. The establishment of such a Department would introduce no objec- tionable features. DEBATERS A.ffirmat·ive-Philomathean Negal.i~e-Brown·i'/l.g Katherine Johnston Miriam Royer Edith Kinkead Thelma Shriner Joy Reinmuth Elizabeth Bemiller Alt., Dorothy Gilligan Alt., Mary Hull DECISION Two to one in favor of Browning.