Page 182 - YB1926_Classical
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[Q] 11§1::5II§11~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I.!IIII.II!IIII:: '"I: #€::di~11[Q] Track ~ o LTHOUGH Western Maryland was badly handicapped by not having adequate equipment or sufficient appropriation to develop a track team of the first rank, a fair showing was made in the Johns-Hopkins Fifth Regiment Armory Indoor Meet in Baltimore on February 22nd, and in the All-Maryland Slate Meet held at the Naval Academy on April 1 t 1. Competing against such teams as the University of Maryland, Navy, Johns Hopkins, Washington College, St. Johns and Blue Ridge, the "Terrors" managed to come out a little better than Blue Ridge. • This year's track team was composed of the following men; E. L. Quinn; H. G. Lippy: j. D. Johnson; R. C. Chambers; Meredith: Day; F. C. Greth: C. A. Royer; Oravetz: G. H. Myers and W. N. Woodward. Most of the men will be back next year, and by that time, by careful training, they should put Western Maryland on the track map. Track was practically a dormant sport on the Hill until J. D. Johnson began to revive things last Fall. From that period there was an increasing interest which gradually, but surely, will place Western Maryland College back in her former place in this phase of collegiate sports which she once held when Curley Byrd was enrolled here. In a comparatively short time the minor sport will become a major one, if the present enthusiasm and attitude does not change. \Ve need track as a major sport to replace baseball, which will be cast aside next year. The elements are available; all that is required is more backing by the student body. The isec Schedule Johns Hopkins Indoor Meet, February 22nd. All Maryland Meet (Naval Academy), April 17th. University of Pennsylvania Relay Carnival, April 23rd and 24th. All-Maryland State Meet (Baltimore Stadium) Dual Meet, Gettysburg College. Dual Meet, Washington College. page one hundred n seventy-eight [Q]l':::11~: "':::'."'::::'~11~i~_~~~i~rrll':::1 ~~~~~Q]II~
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