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P. 186
ltnir "m. ~. QI.. H E. A. WARFIELD. '83 " ;:' I v ;!,,/ ,::. .:;,,"" w. ~ b stands M . .... On the C- '" L...J 0 '" V , : *: crest .f far fa_moua hill, ~!e th~~~t ~ th~ :mingbreaka V -" guide to those summonedin ]J.s.And a n I <' r-, I '" ,_ glorious ~ An in- -# #- youth to pre _ r~re ~ nobly tul fillingII thelT ':art. vJl.S. n l' '1'~ . . centlve 10 all that is lofty and fair ~ the realm of the mi;d~d the heart, _J .."j Dear Guide and Inspirer, thy call we will heed, And thy mandates with gladness obey, While with earne8t endeavor our feet thou dostlead To the heights where the mighty ~old sway. Thou enlargeat our minds and our arma thaD dost lift Far above whet is sordid and low, And dost give us thy love as tbe riehelt, beet gift On thy children thou but to hestow. Forever we'll ehartob thy guidanee and love, Forever thy call proudly bear, And by faithfully living aod looking ahove Prove thy memor.Y ia .a.eredand de ..r Thy praise we will aiag and afar "pread tby lame A.a guide to the bighest Bnd be"t; Witb devotion and "en'Ieo we'll bonor thy, Till w. 're .... Icom.d ahove ,,;th the blnt,
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