Page 177 - YB1926_Classical
P. 177
The Soccer Season ., I Western combination due with graduated, team of experienced between Franklin Several High and two practice BEseason opened games in the early Maryland. part was at a disadvantage The of the season players. to the lack of last were on the varsity and several year's football end squad. the Western and greatly Maryland score. The second The found first game ended with Franklin team on the long improved of the the teams played to a tie. The next game was with the strong Franklin and Marshall team and here the "Terror" team showed its ability. For a wet, slippery field in a downpour of rain the Western Maryland team secured an advantage ill the early part of the game holding it through-out the contest. A two game trip was on the schedule for the next week including the Westernport High School and The State Normal School of Frostburg. The week before had brought rain to make the field slippery, and now snow covered the ground. The first game with Westernport was hotly contested throughout, two extra periods being necessary to decide the winners. By hard playing and good team work the "Terror" team came out on the top. The second game, on the State Normal field, brought Western Maryland its third straight win. This game was taken fairly easily by the "Terrors," who displayed almost perfect team work. The last game of the season was with the Navy Plebes, the game was nip and tuck the whole way and the Western Maryland team had to play its best in order to win. The clever pass work of the forward line and the strong de- fensive work of the backs, however, brought home the bacon. Too much credit: cannot be given to coach "Pete" Garrett. Due to his untiring efforts and ability the second season of college soccer at Western Maryland proved very successful.
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