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P. 172
I925 Freshman Football Season HE Freshman just about broke even this last fall with two losses, one win and a tie game. Coach Spier had some difficulty with his material especially the line material. The greater number of men were back- field candidates and so a large amount of shifting had to be done in order to have a well balanced team. The first game was with waynesboro A.A. The" Baby Terrors," anxious to make a reputation for themselves, started the season right with a win. The game was ragged due to the heat and inexperience of both teams. But what was lacking in experience was made up for by fight and pep on the part of the freshmen. The next week the strong Gettysburg Academy team was held to a low score. The" Little Terrors" were greatly outweighed and were naturally at a disadvantage through-out the game. A large number of men were injured and could not finish the game, thereby putting the Marylanders at a further disadvantage. The third game was with Mt. St. Joseph's School, the champions of Baltimore. In this game the Frosh were outplayed and seldom were within scoring distance of their opponents' goal. They managed, however, to hold St. Joseph's to a low score by their good defensive work. The last game of the season was played as a preliminary t.o the 'Washington College game on Home-Coming Day. The Vard Club of Baltimore was the opposing team. The" Baby Terrors" had the better of the contest most of the game but. were unable to score. The season on the whole was good, but can be made a great deal better next fall by the next freshman class.
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