Page 133 - YB1926_Classical
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The Future HIS is station 'vV. M. C., Westminster, broadcasting from the banquet hall of the Albert Norman Ward Hotel. The occasion is the Mid- Winter Alumni Banquet of Western Maryland University, and the reunion of the Class of '26. The guests are just assembling. Stand by and you will shortly be favored with an address by Dr. William Ballard Ward, President of the University and a former member of ass of '26, on the subject "What the Class of '26 Has Done." Dr. Ward, at station W. M. C, Westminster."- "It gives me great pleasure indeed to recount to YOLi the great work of the Class of '26, for J am sure there is no one within the sound of my voice who has not been made to feel in some way, the ability of some member of that class. Following the tradition of Western Maryland College, I shall first tell you of the work of the women of the class, for, as Mrs. Ward said to me only a few days ago: 'Whether you believe it or not, we women do rule the world, any- way'. "Be that as it may, they at least rule the air, for we have just received word that the greatest radio station in the world has passed under the management of Miss Lawyer, a former member of our class. Recently Miss Pritchard broadcasted the leading role in the sensational French play: 'Quai est Quoi, et Pourquoi:' written by Mlle. Harryman of Le Sour-bon, Paris. The play was directed by Mlle. Beachley, also an instructor at Le Sourbon. "These are not the only members of the Class of '26 who have distinguished themselves in the literary field. Miss Coonan's book on 'Why We Talk' is being studied in all the leading universities, and Ruth Jones' book' French for High Schools,' is gaining greatly in popularity as well as her articles on 'The High in Music' which appear every month in The Bookman, also jac Messick's latest book of poems 'Apple-Sauce' took the hand-carved soap bubble at the County Fair.
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