Page 131 - YB1926_Classical
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o The History of the Class of I926 E have risen in the course of four years fr0111 the undignified position l~ of "worm," or "rat," as some might callus, to the essence of sophisti- cation; the graduating class of nineteen hundred ancl twenty-six. The Q year that we entered, shy and timid from various High or Preparatory Schools, we absorbed all that the upholders of the "green and gold" ra to offer. The boys were manhandled, boards were freely used, and errands down town were always in order. Strenuous measures were taken by the Sophomore Class to haze the girls, but authorities "behind the throne" in- tercepted and broke what might have led to most interesting proceedings. Though a few might wondered, "Why do they all pick on Freshie." this hazing was always given and received in good spirit and" Freebie" soon found himself acclimated to his new environment: "Collegiate" as an "old-timer." In athletics the Class of '213 has always taken keen interest. In our Freshman year the pugnacious spirit of our boys was made evident by holding the Sophomores to a 0-0 score in the annual Freshman-Sophomore Football game. The girls expressed their loyalty to the class not only by inspiring yells to their" Brother Team," but also by turning out a goodly number for class Basket-ball and Varsity Practice. The girls put out a Tennis Team which held its own among the Satellites of the Courts. The Second year was one of still greater glory for not only were the Sopho- mores victorious in the "Gridiron Combat" with the Freshmen, but also won the Cup in inter-class baseball. The class was well represented in other activities such as track, debating, and oratory. Social distinction was ours this second year after playing Host and Hostess at the annual Hallowe'en party while the" boom" in Parlor spoke for its success. l n the third year the Junior Class had much to boast of. First, in athletics. the honor of Captain of the" Big Team" was bestowed upon our classmate, "By" who with Perry gained a birth on the" All-Maryland Eleven. "Ea ' \Vi!liams captained the Green and Gold quintet: in this year, showing great ability in leadership and cooperation with his men. Then, in the Senior year, the Football team was led to many glorious victories by "Captain Ez" who had quite a few of his own classmates to back him lip. Among these are the letter men Perry, Grace, Bona and Hurley, 'vVe also had splendid representatives on the Basket-ball, Baseball, Tennis, Rifle and Track Teams. Tn the field of oratory, debating, and dramatics both men and women of '213 have distinguished themselves, having their start in Smith Hall and the
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