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JOHN DUDLEY WILLIAMS "Jay Dee" PBX· Biology REIDSVILLE, NORTH CAROLE\!,\ Liberty (North Carolina) High School Webster Literary Society; North Carolina Club; Gamma Beta Chi, Chaplain, '25, Sergeant-at-Arms, '23; A. P. O. N. Club: Lion Tamers. The mirror of all courtesy. PON.!our arrival at Western Maryland College in seP.tember, ]922, our attention was called to a tall, light-haired fellow, who was none other than" Jay Dee." He soon wended his way into our CIrcle of friendship. "Jay Dee" comes from No-a-th Cawolina, where they chloroform I niggers for looking at a white person in the wrong tone of voice. "J ay Dee" first scraped the tar from his heels four years ago on the steps of Owings Hall, but he still keeps strong his affection for the Land of Dixie. We fear it is waning, however, due to the lure of the" Eastern Shore," the home of the Fishers. In athletics "Jay Dee's" big sport is tennis; he could be seen on the hour of the day. He plays for the pleasure he derives from it and not with aim of defeating some one. A big brother to all, he shares our joys and sorrows alike, and never failed to make his presence felt by the good which l1Cdid. "Jay Dee" not only deserves the best, but he will get it, for such ability as he possesses can not be suppressed. He bears the love and respect of all as a tribute to his personality and his manhood.
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