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o JENNIE LOUISE WHALEY "Sue" I Mathematics ~I V/HALEYVII.LE, MARYL\ND Berlin High School Philomathean Literary Society; Phi Alpha Mu;J. G. c., Y. '-iV. C. A., '23, '26; Sunday School; Literary Editor Monthly, '2G; Honorable Mention, '23, '25; Class Honors, '24; Zeta Gamma. "IIlIUE" "Serene my B"t everyone '"Y', else knows and that calm I fold nothing hands and about wait." her when calm was there four o'clock came and she rushed off down town. \Vhv did" Sue" always give a special pat to her hair before certain classes. Was not that evidence of not waiting "serene and calm?" With all this don't think for a moment that Louise does not think of more profitable (?) things. Hasn't she received that coveted Honorable Mention every year since she has been a student here? \Vhen ever anyone was in doubt about a question concerning Math or French, she went to Louise for help. That nimble brain could solve problems in a jiffy. The ever-ready tongue can discourse on any subject. Sometimes the "red- head" comes to the front and arguments get pretty hot. Nevertheless "Sue" generally has some sound reasons for her opinions, and one will do well to listen to her. There is one warning-avoid sarcasm, for "Sue" certainly does not like it in other people. Thus we have "Sue" Brilliant, efficient, kind, opti- mistic, full of fun. A loyal, true friend.
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