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[1;J]11~~.11 ~ r;:11=::;;;;,,:;;;;: =1; 1';;;:;1 ;;;:" 1=,: ,;;;;1§;;:;~;;;;;:::o;:;-]ll[1;J] I o LIDA VIRGINIA \VHEELER "Ginny" £t \\1. W. [lome Economics BEL AIR, MARYLAND Bel Air JTigh School; Hood College Philomathean Literary Society, Prelims, '24; Class Basket-ball, '25, '26; Harford County Club, '24: \V. W., Treasurer. '26; Powder Puffs, '24: Y. W. C. A.; j. C. C. Eve, srwit-ing, plucked the apple, then Laughed, sighed, and lasted it aga·in. TO you ever have a friend who exactly understood you? Have you ever known a girl who never complained? Be it rain or snow, cold or warm, just always satisfied? Have you ever seen anyone with spirits just bubbling over? If you can pass this examination, then have known "Ginny" Wheeler. Shining eyes, a flashing gentle an s, a sincere sympathy---she has them all. It isn't any wonder that she has the concatenation of the ratiocination of a certain young gentleman all in a whirl! Competent is hardly the word to express the extent of this young lady's real ability. If there was a Y. W. supper to be given or a formal dinner to be arranged, it was just left to "Ginny," and there was no doubt of its success. Home Economics is not her only field of success either. Although she never makes much fuss about what she has to do, and never seems to work particular- ly hard, she certainly gets the results. Anyone with the character and personality of "Ginny" hardly needs a recom- mendation to the great firm of Life. We send her forth with great confidence, but with a certain sadness, too.
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