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15-A new course, called "Second Story Men," is installed by Dean Warren. 16-Senior men wallop Junior basketball team. 17-Elma Lawrence and Emily Allnutt are hosts to Senior girls. Members of the "Waiters' Union" visit barber shop in preparation for their annual banquet to be held tomorrow night. I8-Louise Thomas passes another milestone. Grippin elected to presidency of Y. M. C. A. to succeed Hudgins. I9-"Greenies" humble the dignified Senior men in basketball. Darby stars as "pinch-hitter." 20-Inter'collegiate debaters divide honors. W. M. loses at Gettysburg and wins at home. 2I-Ritchie goes to dinner in college dining-room. 22-We have more than enjoyed Professor Shroyer's Baker Chapel sermons. Tonight he preached the last of his series of sermons. 23- Tennis rackets begin to cut the air. 24- Jesters, under Chalk's leadership, are putting the finishing touches on. This happy crew will tour the Eastern Shore during the Spring vacation. 25-Florence Louden's term of office as "Y. W." president expires. Jessie Finkbine chosen to succeed her. 26-Spring is here! Spring vacation begins. April 6-Return from our last vacation of the last year in college. 7-"But our life is swiftly passing, Soon its course is run. Whate'er our lot, we'll ever cherish Friendships here begun." 8- W e don our caps and gowns. Professor Ranck delivers address at investi- ture service. 9-Military Department prepares for inspection. Morning and afternoon drill claims military students. IO-Military uniforms get their annual pressing. Senior girls hold Easter party. II-Tennis, baseball, and parlor are popular today. 12-First Senior sermon: Dr. H. L. Elderdice, president of the Seminary, takes as his subject, "What Next?" His sermon was an appropriate one both for a Senior sermon and an Easter one. I3-Drill! Drill' Drill' I4-More of the same afore-mentioned DRILL. 15-"Bill" Wood, football coach of Gettysburg College, gives worth-while talk in Y. M. C. A. 1.6-Miss Thompson, an alumnus of Western Maryland, who painted "The Rich Young Ruler" in Baker Chapel, begins a series of art lectures at the college. I7-R. O. T. C. annual inspection by War Department. Officers' Club banquets at Gray Gables Inn. I8-Inspection over at noon. General exodus of men from college. 19-Dr. F. T. Benson preaches to Seniors. Subject: "Imprisoned Splendor." [255]
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