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8-Irving and Webster hold a joint meeting and feed. 9-The pie we had for today's dessert was exceptionally good; consequently, everyone ate the pie, and Clark could not have his usual two pieces. 10-"Bob" and Myra do not go to Parlor tonight, because it is "Y" night- "there are no Parlor" on "Y" nights (Wednesdays). II-Soccer team trims Franklin High, Baltimore County Champs. 12-Some of our fair Seniors were on the program given in Smith Hall by the Department of Music. 13-"Cap" furnishes the taffy; the Senior Class furnishes the pullers. 14- The annual Christmas service given in Baker Chapel by the Sunday School was this year a unique one. I)-Harvey Hall displays his ability as a detective 16-Many of the men leave the Hill to do Christmas work in the Baltimore post-office. 17-Professor Shroyer, of the Seminary, brings a Christmas message to the men in an address in Y. M. C. A. 18-Dean Warren proves an able toastmaster at the Christmas supper. 19-5eniors get up at ) A. M. to sing Christmas carols. By noon we are home' ward bound for the holidays. January, 1925' 5'-Christmas recess ends for those who do not wait until tomorrow to re- turn to Hill. Hear about Dr. Stephens's wedding. 6-0ccupants of Senior Apartments return. 7-When Senior girls get together: "Gee, he W;J.S a fine dancer I was with at the New Year's party at home." 8-Exams are coming. 9-"Abraham Lincoln," a movie at the Star, draws a large crowd of students. 10-Coasting accident on College Hill in which Gruber was killed; Misses Hart, Wills, Warren and Professors Ranck and Warren were injured. II-An awful silence, an uninterrupted hush surrounds W. M. C. 12:_ Weare glad to hear that Dean Warren and his sister were not seriously injured. We also welcome favorable reports from the other victims of the accident. 13-Many students and faculty members attend Gruber's funeral in Baltimore. 14-1 15'-~"Some days must be dark and dreary. "-Longfellow. 16-) 17-A few of the Y. W. and Y. M. members motor to Baltimore to an inter' collegiate supper. 18-Memorial service to Lynn Francis Gruber in Joint Meeting. 19-"The snow begun in the gloaming and busily all the day--". 20-Dr. Swift lectures to the co-eds. Strikes and others go to the Armory to see Fort Howard basketball game. I 21-Senior Class meeting, at which Editor Weihrauch names part of his staff. Mabel has another birthday and candle cake. [252]
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