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Continued from page 23 I 9-Deputation Team makes its 1924,25 debut by putting on a program at Glyndon. Professor Ranck breaks record, preaching a fourteen-minute sermon in Baker Chapel. 10-Co'eds open their basketball season by playing a game in Baltimore with Notre Dame. II-Armistice Day. 12-Cross'word puzzle workers forget to attend classes and meals. 13-Candy counter started in Men's Clubroom. 14-Mr. Edwin Swain, barytone, of New York City, gives a delightful con, cert in Alumni Hall. One of his many popular solos went something like this: "If you can't get along with one or two ( ), you're much better off with three." 15-Football team plays Washington College at Chestertown. Score: 12 to 12. It would have been a fine day for a snowball battle. 16-Dr. Ward preaches a fine sermon in Baker Chapel. "Be very severe with yourself, be very lenient with others," was thE'gist of his thought. 17- Week-enders find it hard to get down to hard work again. 18--"Shorty" Baer and "Flo" Louden start a week of practice teaching 111 Taneytown High School, showing those unsophisticated pupils the high style and "vampish" ways of college girls. 19-We are glad to hear that Professor Wills is improving from his recent operation. 20-It is a cold day to waterbag anyone, but nevertheless __ . 21-College Players present two plays and Powder Puffs help entertain in Alumni Hall. 22-Philo and Webster Literary Societies entertain Browning and Irving So' cieties. Western Maryland humbles Loyola ill last home football game. 23-Julian Price, of Hopkins Medical School, speaks in Joint Meeting. 24-Military men shine up for military review. 25--Final military review for 1924. Darby named as Batallion Major. Chris, tian Associations supply entertainment at Tbanksgiving dinner in college dining-room, Music recital in Alumni Hall. 26- Thanksgiving recess begins. December I-We had a great time during vacation. 2-Everybody decides to get down to real hard studying. 3-Resolution made yesterday is tried out. "Oh, it hurts to study so' hard. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy-e-I'm going to layoff of lessons tonight." 4-"Only a few more days until Christmas." 5-Annual inter-society debate; Irving defeats Webster. 6- Terrors banqueted in Baltimore at Hotel Emerson. 7-Sunday, letter-writing day, is always welcomed. Parlorites like it, too, for it means two hours' extra parlor. "Tubbv" hikes from Patapsco. [251}
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