Page 154 - YB1923_Classical
P. 154
Mqe Ifnter-QJ:olleginte ®rntoritnl QJ:ontest To be on the inter-collegiate contest is one of the more important honors given at Western Maryland and Dill' class feels proud of the fact that one of our members has been twice elected to represent the College. Randall Otho Stone has been noted for his ability in speaking ever since he entered college. In his Freshman year he headed Web- ster's team in the inter-society debate and won the decision. Tn june of the same year he won the Freshman Elocu- tion Contest. III his Junior he again represented his society again led Webster to victorv. But even the best of people cannot hope to always win and it is no discredit to Stone to ~ay that he failed to gain first place in the inter-collegiate contest last spring. But with his typical tenacity he fell only to rise, and this year was again chosen to represent Western Maryland. NOTE: Owing to the death of M 1". Stone, 1\"1r Richmond represented Western Maryland in the contest. mcsi.rrn .t1IiIarylan~'s iReror~ in Qtontesh ISW-Cblldc Cicero Douglas ... FIRST 1f}lo--Hl1SSCIJ Vinton Lewis . Second J()oo-Harry Heffner Price FIRST lOll-Carl Twigg Second [()OI-George Hammond ~rycrs ... Second 1912-Charlcs Hering Murray FIRST 1<)02-GideOTl l rclund Humphreys FIRST H")i.J-Charies William Wainwright FIRST 1<;:0.,- H)I.'i-Lcstcr Alvin Twigg .. . FI RST l!)cl..l-Levin Irving Insley .... FIRST 1916----John Leas Green. FIRST toog-c-j ohn Michael Henry FIRST 1017-Charles Ellsworth Moylan .Sccoud H)o6-George Edmss Bevans FIRST !01S-- rooz-c-Iohn HUl1t Hendrickson ... FiRST IDl<)-Richard Carll Phillips.. . .Scccnd FIRST I02{)--:\·liIton Michael Somers .... F1I~ST .. Second 1921-0twald Bryan Langrall. . FIRST
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