Page 151 - YB1923_Classical
P. 151
Aml'riran 14l'gion (!!:ommunify .tml'l'fing CARROLL POST NO, 31 Westminsrer Armorv peb. 17, 1922, 7 :30 P. 1\1. Music .. College Orchestra Prayer Shroyer. Post Chaplain Remarks WERSTER-lr~Vl;-.JG DEBATE Ch;lirm;t1l of debate . C<1PLE. G. Smith, U. S. A. RE~01.n:D: That the Fordney Bill 10 provide adjusted compensation for War Veterans merits passage MAIN ISSUES Would the Fcrdnev Bill be complimentary to the Patriotism of the Veterans? 2. Are the provisions of the Porcine), Bill satisfactory? 3. Is the Fcrdney Bill practicable financially ~ AffinJlali,'c-II'cbslcr Ne,gGli1!C-ll"uill!l O. F J:h:Tl'O:\' S. V. EIl\\"A~ns C. 1-1. R[CJl~lOND C. E. 8ISLI C. L. TI<-<\DEil J. A. HAFEI, DEcrSION Won by Webster JUDGES Col. E. O. Weant, Dr. G. W. Dame, Dr. R. D. Murphy Time Keepers D, Hottenstein, C A. ?lleyls P"ge One H"",lrod Forty·.e,·en
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