Page 153 - YB1923_Classical
P. 153
Anltual soddy C!rontcst Alumni ]-1:111,june 12, 1922, S P. l\1. Urowning \'S. Philomathean Irving \'~. Webster l'ROGR.\.\1 l:ro\\'ning Essay The nroadl'a~lil1g of 'fnnh £I,IZ,II:I';'I'II [',':1-:1. -:'Ilc.\LI'I-'\I':, louncouiuu. Xl rl. I'hilomarhcnn Till: .-\rg'u,;y of Gold L.-\\'I,'\T.' En:'I'F,II, Emmitsburg, Vld Irving Oration CreateI' Lon: I l.uh :\0 :\1:1Il IJOI\"'\IW Xlrrcuu.r . .I():\"I-:';, Washington. D. C. Webster Oration The Spirit of 'l'01110rrO\\' }'_IUL RI,o.;KEH I\:EI.I:,IL'CII. Thurmont. Xld. Piano Solo: Cnntique dAmour. lJszt ::\lISS LONG .vs J le That Serveth ELIZ.\IlF.TII :\OEL CI':111<. \\·<.:~(ll1in~I(T . Xld Philomathean Essay Yc .\re the Leaden Casket EU:.INOR El.I7..I);I·:'I'11 CL,l!TFELTI', Oakland. X!d. Irving Orntion The Cry for J usticc \\"JLLl.-\;'1 \\'IIY\' CH.\SE, E1l1mitt~bl1rg. Vld Webster Oration The ljrokcn Sword Frederick l\ld. luP(.I'; OSC.\H LI':SER, Baltimore. OJL HENRY :"1. f'ITZ1IUGJI, President State Hoard of Education. \\'e~l\l1jnster, Md. \\T\;\ERS: Philomathean
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