Page 98 - YB1922
P. 98
History of the Class of 1925 ,. \\'(,Il-min-~tflhl \\'(,$ min.stnht" Wlh'll Ihi'~1' we eds r,'ll upon th~ Nlra of the ltue~t arri\-niJ! 011 the IrRili 10 "j.,10111 ..ouwthinl:' lik" nu ij'~' ~hill 8";1..-11 Ih"11I. What wue Wllil;u!! for thrm with.u til,' j:nlt'd of Ihi~ Htt l.. !O\\I\ Ilmong 1110' hllfs, Ilnywuyt WI'TI" thvlr f(1I1<1 drl':HU$ of ~olle~,· lifl' I", 1H' r,'nlbw all\·\·l'ue~. UUt ~'r~lIhlllnn hoy~' tll'l"ni~nl of Ih"111 wnll: "1'1", pnrtles w,'r~ 1:",,11; lu,t, oh, til., j.;irill,"ulloll,l'I'UI'S," IInllow .. 't'1l I'nft,\' t.rQUJ!lu nnQth;'r thrill 10 Ih.'I, lih'~ lind 11,1110',1 nllothrr I'lIg" \1'1 their hi,tot~·; fot on Ihnt itl{'Ulornhl,' 1I-I'~'I~ion th,' 111:.11,· 1I1(>t"h(>r~ of tlot' ~'fe9hllllln dn~1I di~plnvt'(1 tlwir n-T8l1tilil}' ~o r!......'I~< Ihnt mnnv w,'r,· h.'lIftl to e$l'lullll: "no you know ( r ..ully think tltl'TI' IIr~ 1101111'lIu"l'rllll'lI ill !hllt F'r ..~hlllllll dUIISt" I!:n'n thl' h'r~"81 hilltur~' of thl" FrdhllllIH {'Iu~' II'uul!! nllt 1,1" ('(jlUpl,'h' "ithollt uH'nti(llling th€' grlll'lhllt gridiron hunl" 1,"'wl'l'" tIll' l,'n'~hrn/lnHoJ!ho"l1lr(' "(l.\·lI, th,' l)utl'Qme uf thi~ 110\\' l\
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