Page 100 - YB1922
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History of the Preparatory School MOlt I'olieJ!<'!I hn ve 8 prepnrnt oey dPI):lrlment wherein f\eljpirn\ ~1\ldcnI8 nre pee IHued for ecnege entmeee, hut the preparur orv 11l'purtml'ul of Wl'stern Mnryland ('ul- lege dl"I'r8 from the mnjorily. Till' ecuese offer o!! here not 0111.1' PTCPUh'H rue studt'UI tor eollepe, but 11180 impnrb 10 him the rudimpnt.!! of the {'(iut'ILlian of lilly tir!l·rlnsa .~Nl'(lilpd high 111'11001. Th~ eouese eevers thrl'l' YPHrs: tllp LQwrr Rub Preahmnu. the Middle f,(nb·FrPHh man, and the L'PI)"r Snb-Frealuunu etasses, rorrCSJlondillg \0 ure RophOlllor('S, Junior nnd R(>uior veure of lIil{h R~hooJ, reRIJN·th·ely, &0 thnt lI\11deuh !l1l'·lng eOlllplell'tJ DUll yellt of High Rl'hool wOIk lin' prepn red 10 eutc Iii!' 1,0...·er HubFreshmnu dnHII (If Wester n ~lnrylnRd Peepnrntory Sr-hcol. The rrepur!ltor~' d~lllHtnH'nl hl'$!':lll with the Oll"lIin).! of eollege I!lI!l b~~IlI1U: nn \ntl'grnl pnrl of Lhe BriLcxll, bul ns t he numllt'r of studrllt~ ill"rl'n~.'d who must he 1,repnre,1 for rnll{'~1' work, it W~1I l1('re"Bnry to in~lnll n a"\,ilr:tt{' ,ll'llllrtllll'nl. Th". n lit'''' building WII' .-:0, ....-11:'.1 ~onllli"\II$!' ~1"M~rnollls, " lihrnry, nut] sl{,l'piu,:! 1!1'1,rtlflcun for the hove. Thl' lihrnr.,· I',IIS IIhl~' fitted with nn ('][e{'II<'lIl nl'>lorlml'nl of IJOnkM Ihrouj:th the !rift of Mn. Flil' N, lIudl'y, of \\'nshinj:tlon, n. C. The Tl'u!!in).: room is open dnih' ror II ... use ot the erudcnte. Th~ preparutnry sehcnl hilI Ihl' nlHI>lIal o(l\nnlng.' of h.,jn),! ~o ~11l~i'I,1' ~onIH"'led Wilh Ihl' l:olI"gl' Ihul all thp 90"lnl o"porlnnitil'~, "ut"ttoiunH'uls, RtHI It'fIIlTI'! nre arrnrlied Ihe prf"pnrntory .tuilf"nU, AmI "hnl do WI' 1\0 01 the "l'nh"!'3ily," II!! WI' dub (lilT "Prep" ~('hool' W(lrk' YI'III 1 Mlllly nrl' the b,,,in lirllg, nl'TI"l'rlll'king houre ~pent in the prepllrutlon of our dnil,Y II'SBon', IIPt ~"I'n mentioning those wee hour. of the mortling spetH under the night·light "aamming tor exams." Rut litt' ot lile "l'nil'l'rllit,l'" i~ 1101 all drlldg~Ty, Our good timl'. bl'glln thill \"~IU 0 few lIay;j nIter onr arrh'ol, whell "-1' aceepted, with hilnrlous outburst. or joy, the 8uggeStlon of the Fneuity that we go for II hike to Trump l.Io11ovo·, Clo.ely fol, lowing tiLi. memorable ol'cPlioll we "'er~ delightfully entertained hy a ml'mber of the Fa~ult\" In lhl' wn~' of IIthll'til"l W~~If'rrl Marylnn!1 Prl'l'lIrlltory Rehnol ilt Nlunl to liny high 'I'hool in Ih~ atilt .. , Both til .. bo~" nut! girla lruvt' won mon,l' lnllr .. l~ in hlldkl'l lll!.lI, bnst'lmll, tOOllmll, an,\ I"nni~, Alhlt,tll'9 i$ n bif.!' fnl'tor in Ihe lrR!nill~ oi n Htu t1l.'nt. Wl'ltnn Mnr_l'lKnd {'oll"gl' Ira r~p,li!1'I1 th;~, I"lIld it !lOW On'''T8 th~ .tutlenl boll.1' I''itry IIIh-nntlll:" 1>OIO~ihl.' nlong th;lI Iin~. Th~ numl"" of ..tlld~lIt. of Ihl' ""'~h'rnIIIl1r,I"nnll I'r,'pllrntory f4l'hool ;~ ron81"1I11.1 j(fowinll', and WI' IIr" ",Iri"ing, indil·;tlllllll\' Rud rOIlI'l'II\'I'I.I', fot ~I'f"r,\'lhilig i:,)(ltl Ihlll tht" ~olll.'~" 81Hnlls for, IIIl'lItldl~'. mOtility, nut! ~,)irllllllll_l', In IIll II. 111'111'111." 1h.' ""hool i"l l",dh'd h_I' Ihl' "lIlhu"in~lit" lIul'IJUrl of Ih.' "huh'lIb, Th~rt'l ill a 1{llrll of IOylll"" of rOOIll'ratioll in Ihl' IIfhool, Ihlll (In .. nru~t hi' II ~tutlt'HI hl'''' 10 tlilly untl(', "tan!!,
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