Page 94 - YB1922
P. 94
History of the Class of 1924 When W. M. e. OPl'llt'(\ in the fAll of l!l~O, thl' (·,,11"1{1' Ulllllllr;lle~ \\','n' n\"frol1l~(] "'itl! !III u"dn~!lifh',1 group of eighty·,"·o IlUl'il~. '1'hi~ gruu\, lookl·,l j.!fl·(,H "n,] hOJlclesw, 110 110nl ·'th .. powers ttuu be" ~TOIlI ... d II ... ", tOg'<'II,... nml "lltle.l tluuu II ... 1,'r!'~hllllln ('In!lS. 'The dfUl~ Will green, but th" 1!"loriou~ thing nholll it 111l!! thnt it (!ill 1101 stU) gr('t'n long. 'fhl' fint ,li~I)lny of 1I1l'\{>H·!U!I.:d tnlt'lit rusu .. 011 llit, 8<'1'On 11'11.\'8. Our 1I,'xt grelll mOI-e Wna to rl'lnin Ihi' tootbnll honurli thnl II,' ""Ill ill Ollr f'rt'~hmnn Y"lIr, '['h.'f'rull 1IIt'1i put II I·e ..... IHrolig It'llm 011 Ihl' Hl'ltI, hnl, unth,. lilt' !.':[("·r~lIip of OUr nl,I" nlplllin and \I\'illt thnt "Hilt' rlll~' apiril !til" I,'nm II'II,k, 11',' !'lIught 10 II tit·, 0111' of tht grt,'nl thrill' Ihru ('01111" hnt on,'1' ill • lirl'tlllll' ""nil' ill !lilT I'llll'holllOT(' .vl'llr: IInml'ly. 011<"11 flrSI nl'l"'l'llrRn.,1' on )-;mitli lIull Illnlforlil. '1'11t' lI11thuritit'~ !ln' (It· t"rmin"d thllL III ll'llst ~OlUl' Olll' in our r1l!.~~ "hnll "di')~l'J)lln[.'1 \''',hs'''r, A1tllulIJl'1l we hllH' nur ~milh 111\11 nI'IJI'l!.rltll"., llU,1 !lilt "lI:unlililltiuIl8, nil IIf .". 11I.I\t' our thoughts fu.'u!1'(1 far :ll"'ud 01> II ""Imy ,Jmll' till.\" in UI:!l "hl'1I we tihnll J{tI our l'O\'H~" Ihl't'I'lAkin Qnd thl'D t Ili"IOtillll,
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