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History of the Class of 1923 Grt'.," 11ft the I:rll~~ all tlil' rumpus, line WI' rume for knu ..'It.'dj:tt' to ~et; 'l'houl!'h nH odd" nrv ngninH us, Our pUff'Oli., "-I' "hnll 1I0t roq.:rt. In 1919, when \\"t' were "I\-orl'.1 wlth thO~I' ~ohl"11 Autumn !lllya, lh,'''' tlWlt' all thl' Hill ~oUte ~ixt.\" or more ruiaehievona, nmhitleus, ;Ill\! timorOIiS Fri'~ll1nrll. :\!lI twillg so wpH IHllti'11 011 tho Itrl'1I1 ra~u of ('0111.'1{(' tif", tllp,l' Wi're 60Ul~"'h"t p'.'rpll'xl"[. when usheeed into thnse bur-r .. " rooms with ,·urt:.i1l1I's~ wintlnws , At flr~t thoug-h\ 111(' winduw "'liB u pproaehed. but ht>hold! the Ml'('IIHY II":lS not so ph'n~i"l{. Only "old hrkk build inj.:q, lind rhe 111111'Ridgi' rnouutuins fur ofT in thl' di~lllllee ,-on111 he 8(,{,1I. '1'\1t' trllllkH wert' Ihmg wltle 1l]l1'1I,-lir8"t nIl' pidurr of lh{' dear IHlI' (rf' hehlntl WIIS l'li({'('d ill vtow. Ttli'll, [long, J1UI1~, Bnng! until Ilu.!!!,' Iwrr{'rI wnUB were eovered with poumuus, pidUr('~ Qr 1I(1lm",folk~, n n.l ether purflplll'rnn1iil. Tllt'n rUIUI' III., IIli.\niglil l'~rl\p:III.'~ {or t~L{'~ poor Il'fN'1L lilt II'. hO,I"~, Ihl' !-(OphK '1\",'", nnn thetu, :lnd il would not han' bj'j'n ught for U~ 10 11\0\'1' without the flltl"'rl,\' ntll"ir(' ot the Hoph!!, 1'ho~(' IIInl1lhling I'rrAlld~ to\ "~!1"IIhl'f'8" lit uight shllll nlwnys be dctcetuble 1I11'1I1uri"8 tu Iho~l" 80 nffl'('ll'd, '1'h., girls .....'1.' nOI hnud, Inlt 11onnOHH! [1\ our Frt'shllHltl ",'nr wl' hu,l 011'... ·,,,1 nlt'rnl .... rs 011 Ihl' \·lIf~it,l· f'llolh"lI ~II\1:l!l. \\", Wefl' 11'1'11 rqlff'llt'UII't1 nil th .. h"~I.bllll dinnlolill nl,w. In hllBkl'lh:dl WI' lipid KN'IlIll\ p\:wr ill th" inll'rrllr88 lIl'ri.,>!. Our t'l'minilh' f:lrll\t'ut 111111II till.' hUrik,'I!),,11 I"/llll lilli, Thl' ,',owuiujl: ('\'(>ut of UUf I:ri'{,l1 ~'('lor \\'011 Ihi' ('r<"llutiou of \'irp:il 11,1' l!r(' ~ulifr rlu1I6, Thl" fir,. work" lit Ih., ,"·~ninJ.: wI'n' n'r.I' 'nIT'" nud ,,~ 801111nil \\r ~nw OM Virgil turl III) in till' ttll1ok." "'" ~'I'II,'d "itt, lond \oh-r~ in lI11i~ol): Tlli" ,·rl'muliaH i~ "'II.~it1,'r{'t1 lilt' h,'~1 in 110" hiatDr,1' Dr till' ('ol],'g", Our Hoploolllnll" "urnf thrUM U]lOII 1I~ tilt' 1I1111H'or Itnn1fht.l' H"l'h~. llur;u~ lhi~ &"hol:l$li .. venr nllT pllrt in l'oludeul .\>'1il'iti(>6 WI'" milch I!'rt"nl"r lltnn thnt of th.· w(> ;on~ ,,",'lIr, nllhun!!h WI' WI'f,' so \l1\{urtuunh' a~ to slIc"umh til IIIl' FTt'~ht'llrn hI lh., lUI nnnltoolhallglllll{', "JI~~k~~a~op~': '~"D!;lr~~I);:~lall:'~{'e~~:;y~~:rI:'I;~'~~ All dane! bO"'l'd 10 Ihl' .\InrOOIl and Sinek, For 8u~h II fine part," Ivoultl np\'!"r {,Ollle hllrk." Tht, l'atl,,!!e Charnl ('Iub, lhe BO,\"8' LlI.,1' nub, till' Orrhe>tm, IlIlt.! 11r~ L'hoir atl' cl'"oilily nil indebted to the tluts of HI::!3, Wbyl Bl'euulla her TALEX'r i8 dilplnyad inal1ott!Je.m, The dllu of 'f!3 hUI nho lakf.'n B gri'at Illlnd In the {,!terM,\' ~od"lieM. At the \'1011'- (If our ~OplloIlHlr .. ,,-ear till' Intl'r·Hol'it'ly tOlll,'IItRnU \\'I'r(> rno~l nil ~o!\h~ lit ,Juu inT!! 10 II." Thu~ ~llO"lIlg Ilull "i' IlII' knuw'lI tOf aud h,. ou~ Ulll>Tnllt'l'~, "In life'st'ftfllf'il l)I)tll.' They oul.\' IITI"'nil Who ,!:Ii'" IIl11Tdl OIl"'/lr,1 .\011 nCI'\', .IIY hil!" I'tlming In our liTt"'11I Inh' (JullillU III' till.1 our rlll~~ ,·llulI1I.l· .troll): in ulll·ulleg., attil'itiu, nlthuugh ,.... I,,~t II f.,,, uf 0~1r hOlllH,"" Oll.,~ tltr"Hl!h Quitnnlll)Il, But aI, thl'lIl!h W," lu~1 n f""', "" lin' fa\'(lf.,.1 wllh nn ''''!LUll ullln!!.'T of '"'W nWIIII"'t", TI", rln~!! ur W:!:I ~1"ln mIH"b 0:-' :1!l.1 0', Anll ~lulli "I'\I'T In,\' fuil, Ihlt IIhllll "Irhl' tn lIJ1hoM IIii' 1"lI\or 1111.1 dillllil~' of hl'f I,,'hl\"t"[ 11IMtltmion, nnd In hrinll' '1'\\ at,,1 IIrl','rl'\'II-ing !.:I.. rl' to tIll' (ir",n 1lI,,1 HuM through till' llu"lIuUlof Illl' _\Inwon ant! H[,,,'k 'I'll" lIiaI1l1l""
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