Page 84 - YB1922
P. 84
tile wny Jesse, the attorney for the def ..eae, looked it seemed hi' W(18~OnL~w!\:Itdoubt- ful about the verdiut , 1\ waa sc long thnt Hunk .. Hudn ilr.-'w th~ rllrlnin hl'fnt!;' 1\ I'r-r diet was reeehed. The llUI Willi 8 !lighl er the Ml'lropolilnll Opera. SOIlIl!lhil1J,(nbout the liltll! It.llOurll-hnired 81a. wu;" vagu ely fflluili:lr, but il wns not unli1 the per formunee beg-nil Ihat Ihe elnn knew it waa Louise ~~i8her by her sweet, beaut.lful 1'0il'C, euu ~s dUirming 88 in eo1!l'gl' ,laY6. Xo one Wil8 surpeisetl 10 ace OW('II eome in hailing U J.:TOIlPof nil !nin'rs II.!! ueunl. Anll nnother lilt II' I"d~' enme in, hoslt'n of n box pnrtv, slrikiuJ.:I.I' gowned und ga.v. II WIIS sure "uough I">nllffy, 11011' one of tbe mO~1 popnlnr nud lIuclnlly aetive Platt'lII9 of tne .V'lung.'r IIlllnrl SH. liu,I,I"'ll~' WI' behold u bllllqn.,1. The Ameri ..un Ambussador 10 Spaln i~ elltf'rtuinililt in honor of Amy H'-'nn~lI, U f:HlIOU~ eduen- lional worker 011 her WHy to {'hinn, nnd amollg the ~IIC~tll are ~:t!:->tl!n~ nud Loitch of the (J, 8. Diplomalk ('Oq)K. AI80 w.' SIl"' Ltx xnneu. re5tiuJ:: "flt'r 1\ tour of the world, It i6 a far jUlIIP from TOWS of wbhe hOHrilUl be\l~ in ~ew York where AIll111 i8 the kindesl 'lf head lIUr!ell !Iud Myrtle th .. 1Il0~t f'ntl'ienl of doetor8, to Ij thral.£, in .\'rlea, bUI so the ~eellell IIr(' ehnuJ::I"1. Olh{< wa~ j:livin.:- her rn"'Du~ rt'lluiltl{, "lIer,'I" 10 Ihe heathen. IIer "Ulltjlllilioll on thi9 tonT Witll Ril:! HoI!" who \\'II_"wriling II b'l'lk on "The \'n,>r, sh.' IlIldtl!: nUld., llit' Iilti" juttnt ror botllnltilll rellllOll8, Malia liut' had b.....11\"II'I\· ..d I'l mak .. th ... Irip all Ihllt Ih ... ]l:ITt}' WOIIIII1\('1',', WillI! for hi" fomou8 eorn b'l."nd. ould OUT('yell be dl"~l'i\"illg list for now WI' aaw MIlY Mall'ln lind Elizilbellt Carey in tburge of TilE 1I0M)-~ ~~ORTIIB AGED. But why douht this for ('rol1lwf\l i~ Illkiug Dr, l'j[('I,ill'f's' pillce III W, M. e., I"'ljl'llUuling hi! o"n theori.>, In IIddltion til tho,e in the book wrilten by Dr.Offlrg" ,\,lnUl Meyl.!l, "lIlilh,.I, "Th" Lutest Mrtholb of Ar gum ...nU, , , Dr, Mt'yl~ i, thl' l>te.\d('nl of n tI"iJlllililf ,o~i"'y in Aso('UOK, Md. SIITl'ly thl" I11l'ek shnll iuh('ril Ih .. eurlh, WI' teulizell Ill{' IrUlh of lhi! whell 11'0 auw Mil Taylor walking IH"rOlillIhe wide yurtl of Ilt'r 8UI1lUu.'rhom.. eOIl~i~tlng 'lf hun,l Ted~ of II~re~ 'l1I IIie Rilh'puxll'nl Iby. lIere 8h.> \\"Il~.'n~o\llltl'red by !I pr081)aoUij look ing gelltll'l11nn wh'll1I 1>'1' .eeogniz(',1 us 1I0ttl'l1l1teili. lIe WIIS ~!'Ilillg II hOOk t>nthled, "Pnrien~t' ill a \,irtu ..," lit' IInid thut II Illul b....11IHlolishi'd by Ihe ,J(lsi'ph \\" Alleudl'r ('0,. ot C.llllbl'try, Md., 11111.1hud the publifh,·r', quarllnll"<' bll('k of it. Thill 1I([([l'd p.elllige 10 his word!!, for Ihl' 1\lh·tHI,·r ('0. WUIIIhe Hr$t h, {'(lit Dr, 1lt'lwill'lI flllllOll6 Irelttill~, "The Ol"nlit' At! of Tnlkin!:." Th~ ludy Mlli,1 Ihut litH' (I'll it h"r d\ll~' 1(1COli suit h!.'Thu~bllnd hefore tllnkiu1! '1I,'h n d('dsion. !low,'ver ~ht' 8110nl'hlll1)(M 1",t Ill','i~ ion wh~1I informed Illat il WIISdr,li"nl""\ lO Ilugh War, I, M. D., for1ll,'r l'h!IIKIIlIl\,>nu,1 now !'1'1{'brat..d "Bl"1'('IIER 1>,' Ll'Xf:." l\t'rf' w(' 14ud,l~lIly ("lIli7.1'11 thut It hud ended anll Ihllt we Illust kt"'I) Oil (O\\'arlbt lit;> fntl' tllnt uwuil{'d U~, Aa thi.' eJU& ",.'111 Inughillg lind lIellr"'lill" for th., lI~xt t11l'lIl1l1of hl"l!!)!"I'ntl'rtilin ell Bank. Hnda sltOok hi. heat.! ~Ildl.l' oler the pt'opl~ whll wlMhed to lI'e thelllteh'I" II they ~'ould be and not .. they were.
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