Page 83 - YB1922
P. 83
Prophecy of the Class of '22 Hurrah! till' ('in'u~ luu eomc to town, tbe ]lllt:lti., W:lS tt'nll~' i1lln'l'Il$l'. All till' stndent hod ... "I W. M. ('. nu<1 ""'St of ,Ii., f:H'U\t~· wiln cuuld JI;ek up ~hiltlr('n Il~ :11\ ~XfU~,' tu lit' ~".'nthere. hnd w"U'hl',\ it ]lA~S th e eneucr. :\1:lllY were tILl' wishes (>J:. pl"~~Nl and !IiiI'll! thrtt nil might 1:0 hut ouly Ih(' ~nifif n~ b¥fi\tt'd their edvnneed knowledge of slleh thing~ ""'TI' "l1ow.',1 n bulhlny. It wns such" big ('iu,us for 911\'" a IImuli tlll~~ 10 beuve but tilt' mort' timid Oll<'!l, Ht'llni(' :.ud ).11\11(,\;0(' were put in the middle :llltl off till',\' stnrtod illgpo.'etillg the ~idt'·show!l. Tht'~· nil deelded to take in 01h' nnd Bnnk,' Budn kn(l\\'ing them liS thry ",;>,1' lind would be, offt'r~-d to sho\\' thenl liH'msl'h'('s ir Ibf'~' weuld ~It']l InRhh' hi~ IIlngir \I'llt, Thl'}' rl'f\l~l'd til;! -v were" bUI rllKl'rl)' lIerl'ptl',1 the "would 1)(''' nlHl pilrd in, gunk" Huda ,j{I'!l11<'d 10 rue slag(' turuerl t)ft' the lighli, dl('" the ~nrl:lills ,Int! r<'\"':IIt'11 l"hOrly 10 the- IhIOllishNI t'l1I~' n01 !,r<,n~hillg ill h«ludf IIf ~OUl(' f.'mlni~1 1Il0\',-IIlN'Il lit ;!"N)' one I'''l ....cted hut "t\I,ul," mt'IHUug sccka. An,\ h"p\lY, 1110, ~h;> W9.6. tbo 11". soeks w,·r .. of hlrA"c siite nnd lU;lf!t:ulinl'. TIl\' u{'XI sl'{'n{' i8 in lIig-1< Point, ~o 11 n11l~t b{' Mnrl:llrt'l Rnllkill I,ollring 11':\ for I"'r f.;{'udll lind yf'l 1111;'1<110.. ,;111.' II~ il mil" II""'" 1m Ih,' tl,;r" fillger or h,·. "·ft hand illiolh' ,\ 1'[:lin I:0h\ b,uHI. ~ur.'ly Wi' \let" dr"I"niuj!, Pati"nt" ill always r<,,,,,uded nll,1 sur .. !y in Hot WlOrd'~ rUM'. Eighl I{lng .,·<,un. of fAilhful h'lter wrili,'g h~ brought" result. Th,' rellull hl'ing II IHlu!:nlow. ~h" i~ I", ...init I'lllrn ..y :-;pi<'r, th~ nllith Inlk ..u of !-lUll\. of ~thoolM in Cumh,'.h"ld 10 .Jillu,·r all.! Ihl' 1,"<'011 I,.", bnrl''''\. TiI"1I 1111' Ijghl~ ~o 0111 rf'\""llling lin onl!',' down to\\"II, flll'\ II d"mnr" lilli,' .sh·nogr.J>h .. r i~ gll:!r.! iug u door b"nrh'l: thl' in~~ripllon-n. (·or!~.d" llnt'I ...·:I. Il:,'n"ral m.nng .., of .\b\I'Lell 1,lImhl'r \'0. ,\f\l', nil ~ll1rl:"nr .. t ('O.Ir. ('nrroll, fnlllou~ in t'lllll'g,' tln.n 1111!Ill :Hlist, wll() i~ nO" using \Iis imngin:lli\"c Inl~nt 10 dl'sign bllihHniZs il\sl<'lJd of WOUWII. Fron. Ih .. gl'nt'fOI'$ uJlJllnll~i' follo\lilliZ Ihill litlk ~N'ni' Bllnk:1 !Judn kn,·,,· that hi" nll,li"ll"i' "/III ;1I1"r<'~I",I. PIO\·"I·,ling ,,;Ih Ih.' llt'rformJl.n~i' III' ,hllW,'.t n mo,l.'1 ~rhool TQIIIII. Olhi/l Gte"n,' ,ltws ,·rt·llit 10 Ill'r ... ,... Iwr in ]"'I"'):"{lI:"~·. ~h,· """m~ 10 lit' ,'xl'l'l'Iing ~(\nl<' 11I1l" tlnd ..oon l.oi8 ~1"p]It'''~ rnlllt'~ ,1"'''''11 fe>r Iruv"!ing Ie> M~' I:()Otl·b~·~ 10 ll"r, for ah" i~ {ltl h.'r WII.I' nhrf",,1 11M 11 Y. W. (', .\. s,'rrN,jr~·. ~'rom th.· rOIlH'NlIlioll th., rllls~ 1f',lrtIt'd Ihllt Mr. ""(OlliS h(Oll ".,.",,(1." 1110\.·,1 10 tit .. >
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