Page 82 - YB1922
P. 82
~. t' CLASS RECORDER PUBLISHED SPASMODICALLY \VFATIlER \Vafmrr for Som~ OBITUARY MARRIAGES Pulleu-c-On December 10, 19::!O, Lnw renee Hoeie-, departed t!Ji~ ('0111',6nll' Ill'T'I'O:-:-MOl!GA~ lile vin the Que o'do~k lilJa, ~[tt\'" he ~~~. in J!t'Il~e. lIoolhl'\1 loy.~ulJ!lillrl!1- Roh.'r' Prnnk Hutton, ono of our uuhle aOlls, wna l'l\l'til·nh'li by the J)oull~On .Ju"~ JI), 192(1, ",,1.'11 M., I'h,,,,,, of II ~w,'('1 girl ,:crllllu:iI(' in the infant dllughll'r of the Cia$!! ot ':?:?, person U.r '\1I11~ 11,'rthn ~lor~IlIl, They left behind II host of friends who now r~Hid.' in G".'I'Il~hOTO, North Cneo linn, mourn her loss. Fisher-On JUlie 14, 1920, Mary Adeline, sueeumbed to ('hllutaqnuitil .\ll'I.U)NIlOltK Hl('1IAnl):-lO:X and went into the Great B"YDlHI into Whjfh we Illl rnuat pll!lll. (Ful'ulty ,\fto'r IIWn\'uIIIll'kIlOf 1I!:ltrinlOnlnl willing.) iufuntum !Lilli with .11'1:1(1'.1 lWTNI'\'('r Galt-Mary Emily, whmn the elaae lint,' this 80n of till' mHIIUIuinti, Dan had fell red hnlf way to maturity, was liltl muclt B. :l.hllknll.)r." won for him,,,,ltlh.' d"lIlr.''] prize und lert our 11rl'~;d,' taken from U~ lJy 1111'cruel hand of HI IIlIIrry KIlII,,'rlul' Htehurdseu, of fate thnt abe might romI' in lilt! ";1)". ~ll'tlfo"l, MlIfylulhl. ian 6ell!! of Yirginia. lIardmau PIIIISY 1I08111il', dlmlnu H,-e member of t he fsmily of '~:?, l..ll on the 5:36. No due 10 wherenbeuta. We t ruet ,he reached Baltimore. ,"DUND IN MEMORIAM Fuund One hantum lik., h~il1lf wllo In IO\'ing remembeeuee of our elass n"JlOtI
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