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finding the work so enjoyable she has taken a position as kindergar- ten teacher in Baltimore. The children seem to think that every- thing Miss Cornelia does is just right and they all come to her with their troubles and with their numerous quarrels to be settled. Last but not least we have come to survey the progress of Mr. Hunt Hendrickson-the leader of the class. His life since the days at Western Maryland has been one of incessant work-but that counts for but little with this spirited young man who possesses any amount of will-power. He has bent his efforts towards becoming a great actor and has succeeded even at this ear-ly age, in becoming well known. He is just now starring in Hamlet, as Hamlet whom he represents with startling success. (WRITTEN BY A CLASS-MATE.) The class prophetess Margaret Mills has gained her highest de- sires. If you remember, she always was a talented girl and now she is a full-fl.edged musician, giving recitals which are very enthu- siastically received. Her g-reatest joy though', is her home. She is keeping house for her father and brother, in a tiny modern flat, and is getting her well-deserved happiness in looking after their- comfort and pleasure. Now you've read what 'tis thought we'll be, Willitcometrue? Just wait and see.
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