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and is wrapped up in her pupils. To peep into her school and watch the scholars you would plainly see they are interested in their teacher. Just for a minute, let us picture in our mind's eye, a little of the busy side of life. Here we are in a humming buzzing depart- ment store in Philadelphia where everything speaks of prosperity. You are wondering who is managing this successful establishment. Here is the name of the firm on this package "The Hub," WiHiam Sellman and Company. But Mr. Sellman is not destined to be the only successful '07 member, in business. Mr. Wilson Selby is doing remarkably well. He still lives at Burgess Store, Virginia, where he has established a well organized and successful bank. He hopes some day to be a millionaire, and I do not doubt for a moment but that his ambitious idea will be realized. But to return to the "fair" members of the class. Lillian Nelson, that very talented Miss, has been spending her time developing her voice. She has studied several years at the Peabody in Baltimore where she has made wonderful progress. She might sing in grand opera she was told. But her public work is placed in other fields. She is singing in one of the leading churches in Baltimore and is a renowned soloist. How long she will keep at her work 1 cannot say-that remains to be seen. But the third Lillian of the class, Lillian Veasey has had a re- markable life since 1907. Tn the fall of that yea)', at the death of a distant relative, she became the possessor of a large amount of money. Whereupon she immediately decided to enjoy it. Accom- panied by some fdends, she went abroad the following year. While in Germany the notion of becoming an artist took possession of her and she began to study painting with remarkable success. Evi- dently she has talent, Sheis still enjoying her beloved work although she has returned to America. The '07 men have settled down nicely to good hard work. They seem to be meeting success on nil sides. Among the most fortunate ones, as a professional man, is Mr. McClure Haupt, who is now Doctor Haupt. He is practising in Frederick, Maryland, where he has already many patients both in the city and country. After several years I am certain he will be almost too busy. 45
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