Page 52 - YB1907
P. 52
It is customary to consider the mental powers of young women to be inferior to those of men-etc open the eyes in astonishment when one speaks of the accomplishments of a woman in the profess- ional world. Yet women are proving themselves capable of all kinds of business affairs and are following more and more the regular professions. The '07 class may boast of launching forth one truly professional woman. Daisy Cline, who has cherished a desire to become a lawyer, has realized her and is prac- tising to-day in Cumberland Maryland. Her calling is unique and interesting. No doubt some day you will see her holding sway in the Court-room, her audience listening in awed silence and even the stern old judge spellbound. But let us return to the young men, Grocer-man did you say? Yes, that's it. Mr. Walter Gilbert arrayed in a spotless apron and cuffs and with a pencil behind one ear, is beaming down on the customers of his well-filled store here in Predet-ick. His men are all busy in town taking orders. As this is his hardest day,-Satur- day-we will leave him in peace to attend to his store where we can see he is doing a nourishing business and money is fast rolling in, "Home, sweet home" that is where you will find the baby of the class. Nestled within its peaceful walls, Edith Dawson is keep- ing herself-and is happy. Her life is exactly suitable, She is the light and life of the household as well as the pet of the family. However she is no idler. She flits here and there, entertaining the guests, superintending the kitchen and in truth she is everywhere apparently at the same time. She is just where she is needed and may she remain there jor many years to come. Appearances are deceiving, The dreamiest youth often really developes into something. MI'. Robert LeCompte, the dreamer of former times, roused himself 011Commencement day, June 1907- and decided to hustle a bit. He has now completed a course in chemical engineering at Cornell. A good position was in stOI'Cfor him and at present his outlook is bright, and he is making money already, Now we have come to the fate of the last one of the '07 girls. Comelia Willis is interested in kindergarten work. During her- so- journ at Western Maryland having undertaken the doubtful task of a young hopful, residing on the College grounds, and 48
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