Page 37 - YB1907
P. 37
NELLIE IRENE FRrNGER. Next comes 'dear little Nell,' she is the fashion plate of the class; is always well informed as to the latest style a-la-paris. Spor-ts a new dress on all occasions. Spends much time before her mirror fixing her hail', i.e., seeing that he,' "'at' docs not show and that her frizzes are a1\ O. K. Has beautiful hair (7.) Is teased by everyone, mostly by her room-mate, but takes itallgoodnaturedly. Is very fond of jewelry (medals,) candy and flowers. Her cheerful face and sunny dispo- sition have won for her many n-icnds. She talks, without ceasing, on any and all subjects. Says she is not spoiled, but loves to have her own way, and be petted. Has been a profuse smiler and has a rather romantic story connected with her College life. GERTRUDE HELEN GEMMILL. "Lwee 0/ .great men. ~./.I remind '1111, we can make ou?" liue8 enblime.: -LONGFELLOW. Ger-trude has the most wonderful charec- teriatics fOJ" an '07 girl. Can stay up until the "wee sma" hours and then beup the next A. M. at 5.30 o'clock. Is always on time to everything and never hooks meals or classes; seldom ever flunks in the class room. Is it any wonder she leads '07 like a breeze, for who among us could beat that? Best hearted girl going. Whenever there is II dance in Senior Hall Gertrude is sure to be there with her mouth-organ. Established on a trunk. with her eyes shut, she furnishes music for us by the hour. One surprise, among her many charming qualities, she is dead in love-, comes in my room at least once a day to de- clare her passion for--, Miss Lease. 33
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