Page 33 - YB1907
P. 33
There is a great variety of Bells on Col- lege Hill, but Hat.tye is our "Class Belle," She is a romantic little soul, that is why she is class poetess, Says just what she thinks. If medals were given at W. M. C. for neatness Hattye would get one sure, for she is forever cleaning up. But that is just practise fOI'some day in the near future. Hattye has a very charac- teristic little giggle, which is liable to burst forth at any time. In Latin she is Uncle Jimmie's star. Has a way of bestowing sugges- tive nicknames on her numerous admirers. Says she wants a Browny Kodak No.2, when she graduates. Always gazes under the bed and in the wardrobe before retiring. Also places books over every knot-hole and crack in her room to keep the mice out, there- fore her nocturnal meditations are not disturbed by men or mice. 29
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