Page 35 - YB1907
P. 35
WILLiAM LUTHER BYERLY. William Luther Byerl was earl knighted by the Class of '07 as "Wil.liethefn. nocent." To have seen Willie when he first arrived B:~it°~~sh:;~te1~~I~Ut~}o~:ili~se~~~n;~~ discovered. Every once m a while fellows would find their rooms' 'rough-housed.' No - __ ~ - one ever thought of accusing innocent Willie uf such an act. But as guilt will out, Willie was, one day, found red- handed; and now he has to suffer for what he does not (?) do. He was actually accused by one of our beloved professors of never study- ~~l~~se~esp~~)~'~~{li~~h~i:~~~~~t~~u:e~~t W~k~: ~~p~~u~~J~f "swippmg" a duck, which of course he did not do. Having a great ~1~h:!~-l~~~~t~~l ~~i~~'a~~lth~a!~~~rys~~~kgitO~~~~~!st:i~~mE~~ sad to relate it met an unforeseen death. "Willie" has a great liking for night expeditions about certain sections of the College grounds, and for aerial flights over eight foot board rencee which he vows he could clear-were he to see the light of the watchman's Jantern- were it four feet higher. DAISY CLINE. "Foxes are all tail and women all tongue." Attention! What's this variety? Just a ~~TsP!:~h~o~.~~ie~~~~a~l~i,O~d~n~e:o::;:l~ f) _, ~~t;;;b~fi;~ict~:;i~l:t~;?C i(c~~~u1~i~:b~~i ~ (/ (- but comes very neal' it, for she takes regular - f.:r)l=~~in~n J~et~e~~o;g~~zh~~t~~iir:;~r; -c"""'~~s.h~ death. Has an awful habit of firing Scotch epithets at us, which leave us in doubt whether a compliment is intended or not. Has ~~~~~ ~f~:~:i~l~,,:~~~ae~~~,cs~~~~~i~d~~~J:~c!~~!ce;~~;n ~oe~~~~ of whom we can truly say, to know her IS to love her. P. S. Is, oh horrors, the basso projundc of the Senior "choir unbearable." 31
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