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EUGENIA CLEVELAND GEIMAN" , , , , " Westminster, Md. Browning Literary Society. "Genie," as she is commonly known to her classmates, is another of the town girls who has been coming to W. M. C. ever since she could walk. Of so small a stature is she, that a Latin teacher, who is familiar to most of us, told her in her Sophomore year that she ought to be down in the "Prep" depart- ment. But appearances are sometimes deceitful and it proves so in the case of "Genie," 'for notwith- standing her smallness, she possesses powers that are not possessed by some members of the class. For instance, when she recites, one wonders how such a tiny creature can show herself off to such an advan- tage, and she is never so happy as when she is taking part in a Shakespearian play. "Genie" has had a number of the so-called "strikes." In fact she has a new one almost every month. She begins with a "Prep" and ends with a Senior and keeps this process up all year. One fault that "Genie" possessed throughout her whole course was being late for chapel. Every morning just as Professor Sampaix would commence the march we would hear her call out, "Wait girls, I am coming." But heedless of this, the girls would keep on marching and poor "Genie" would receive her usual three demerits. ELSIE LAVINIA GEORGE , , , .. " ,.,', ,.,', Sudlersville, Md. Phllomathean Literary Society. I wonder if we could tell this '04 "Spot" by the initials E. L. G.? I think so. Down on the Eastern Shore there is an immense city (?) known as Sudlersville. From this great place Elsie L. George, daugh- ter of Johnnie George come to us in our Freshman year. "Ish" was, and is, a "cute kid" as the girls say, and was pretty bright, too. She is very quick to learn anything. In lessons she stands very well indeed, in instrumental music she is a genius; and in the game of hearts, she "can't be beat." She has has many admirers both male and female and we can truly say, by her magnetism, she has become one of the most popular girls at school. "Ish" knows pretty well how to have two or three "real good" friends at the same time, but really does not know which one is the dearest. We think, though, that some day she "Will" "Win," and that pretty soon she will learn to "Foster" her attention on one. How about it "Ish"? Many a time would we be downright "blue," iF it wasn't for 'this little butterfly's lively talking and ways. She is certainly a jolly, good hearted girl. In bluffing the teachers, "Ish" is cute, as well as in many other things; why she even plays some "cute little tunes" at the recitals. "Gawgie" is very fond of gymnasium and athletics and is a great figure in '04's Basket Ball Team. She's the only girl in the class who fences, and from the report of the Professor, this has added to her grace. She has a very dainty foot which she prides by having a different pair of shoes for each costume. She is greatly humored by all her schoolmates and home people as is shown by the frequent phone messages from her Papa-Hal By the wayl "Ish" is President of the Senior Spotted Club. Hal again. We are very sorry that we will have to leave Elsie so soon, for the more we know her, the more fascinating her ways become, and the better we love lrer. 39
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