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MARGARET JANE BENNETT Westminster, Md. Browning Literary SOciety. The first of the girls to head the roll of 1904 is Margaret J. Bennett, who was born in the little town of Westminster, Carroll County. Soon after learning her A. B. C.'s she decided to enter the Preparatory School of Western Maryland College, where she has remained since that time. Margaret is one of the finest girls in the class; she is noted for her beauty, charming manners and her cheerfulness of spirit. So cheerful is she, that one of her classmtaes said, "No matter, when you see Margaret she has always the same cheerful face." The only time one ever found her mad, was when she was giving her classmates a long lecture about one of the teachers who had offended her. But perhaps we should not say this, for Margaret is a general favorite with the teachers, especially with the Elocution teacher, who never thinks of giving her less than ten? Margaret is one of the best elocutionsts in the class; the depth and beauty of her vioce hold the audience spell bound when she is on the stage. It is said that Margaret generally gets a few demerits on her reports and it grieves me to relate of this excellent girl that she received them from "Ma," for climbing under the seats in chapel; but this one fault as compared with all the other excellent qualities she possesses may be easily disregarded. Margaret is a girl very fond of outdoor sports and is never so happy as when she is in the midst of a very hard contested basket ball game, and she has been captain of the '04 team since her Sophomore year. AIthough not one of the leaders of the class, she has made a good record and we hope that it will continue to be as good, if she decides to seek deeper fountains of knowledge. EUGENIA GOTT CHISWELL. Poolesville, Md. Philomathean Literary Society. A most modest and demure young damsel. She started in the Freshman year, and has constantly ranked among the first in the class. Although you'd never think it, she is always ready for any fun or even for downright mischief. She's as witty as can be, and decidedly original. Added to this, she expresses herself in a quaint little way peculiar to herself. These characteristics make her original stories ever in great demand. Chiswell is a firm, fast, true friend. She once pro ved this friendship to one girl by giving her a dose which caused her to "go up a tree" for a whole day. Then as a crowning touch the heartless Chiswell come up to her room and laughed, yes actually laughed at her sorry plight. She had to write up the class characteristics. Poor child! How she racked her brain to present the most enter- taining facts in their most charming guise. She would go around watching her unsuspecting classmates pouncing upon any little "mot" which she could twist to serve her purpose. Genie represents the Senicrs' dignity and sits at the head of the Senior table and keeps the other frivolous lassies in countenance. She is very reserved, but when you do know her you feel as though you are doubly rewarded for any trouble you may have had in makingher acquaintance. Genie is a perfect little jewel. The more you now her the better you like her. Then, too, among her other admirable qualities, Chiswell is a girl of good sound judgment, and has a will of her own to back her opinions. She always does the right thing at the right time, and is very diplomatic. She is a genius and a faithful worker in behalf of the 1904 class. 35
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